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No matter who you are or what you do when you live in a big city, you will constantly experience stress and tension. There is a moment when you ask yourself: - Why do I continue to work? Then you hear the strange sounds that dictate: - Keep going, don't stop. You're on the right track, that's what every man does! And then everything comes into place and you continue to work toward your goal. What is the purpose? The goal is simple - to continue the fight.


Partizan is a place for men who love their job, doing what they think is right and doing it, because that's the only right way. Such men love stress and tension. They are real and powerful. They are not afraid, they do not escape reality and they take everything as it is. However, sometimes such people need to hear: - Everything is fine, you are on the right track.


Partizani is a refuge where men take care of their appearance. A place that was lost long ago and we are now finding. A place that is already damaged and covered with plants, but it doesn't matter - ideas don't die.

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