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"Your Desire, Our Quality" - What is La Beaute's niche in beauty


"Your Desire, Our Quality" - the beauty salon we should talk about in this article, opened 10 years ago. After rebranding three years ago, it is serving customers with a new name. With the upgrade of services over the same period, the quality of service has further improved. In La Beaute, which is located at Tsereteli Av. 59, just like for all customers, there is a full range of wedding services for a couple - ranging from facial skin care procedures to hairstyles.


Hairstyle, make-up, nail Care - manicure, microblading, contour makeup, fillers, diagnosis-treatment of facial acne and wrinkles, mesotherapy; men's make-up & barber; hair coloring, bottoplex, keratin, bio focus (100% result) - this is an incomplete list of services you will find in the salon. According to the manager and specialist Maiko Chubinidze, the consumer receives maximum information about the quality of the product they are engaged in and receives the so-called customer service. "Injection passport".


We work from art to fashion - according to customer demand. We follow the requirements, of course, with modern standards and trends. Unfortunately, customers often do not follow the advice of professionals and ask for something that may not be perfectly tailored to them. There is no formula that suits everyone,” said Zisnakhe Erkomaishvili, a salon specialist who is a professional artist and his works are always distinguished by accuracy and individuality.


“Our customers are always individual and different. They are always distinguished by a common background. We're talking about the bride, but I want to tell you about our niche – Men’s line, who can get services in La Beaute that they can't offer anywhere else.


In addition to our professional Barber service (contour treatment and toning), our special men's service is "Make Up". If the customer does not have the natural ability to do so, we can apply our hair, beard and eyebrow to be perceived as natural, unlike makeup, which is notable, and I would like to point out that the demand for these services has increased lately.


Men's make-up is also required, which is made for different types of events (corporate, club, cocktail). We have done the job of turning man into the opposite gender for the costume event.


I would like to inform the reader about another service. The salon also has a daily tattoo service, which I mainly work with artistic accuracy. ”- Zisnakhe Erkomaishvili.


At the end of the conversation, Maiko Chubinidze told's audience, another "bonus": La Beaute's brides are willing to take a photo session from the salon and a short, artistic video clip.

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